Feb 18, 2018 - #0.224.1
- New: New exercises added to learn Aggregate function slike AVG, SUM, MIN, MAX.
- Fix: reloading the page won't forget your completed exercises
Feb 22, 2014 - #0.194.1
- Exercises now have unique URLs that can be individually bookmarked or shared
October 19, 2013 - #0.186.1
- Added seperate 'Messages' tab that includes STATISTICS IO output for every successful query
August, 2013 - #0.185.1
- Minor layout changes to front page and exercise page
- Improve error detection for case when exercise list has not fully loaded client-side before sending a query
July 13, 2013 - #0.184.1
- Improve regular expressions for hinting and switch to case insensitive comparison
July 12, 2013 - #0.171.1
- Add 3 new exercises (4.0, 4.1, and 5.0) exercises to the SELECT exercise set
- Hints added for JOIN and aliasing exercises in the SELECT exercise set
- Basic hinting capability added, uses pattern evaluation of submitted query
June 25, 2013 - #0.166.1
- Tweaked interface to improve horizantal space
- Per feedback on blog, split top of exercise into 3 consistent sections: Explanation, Example, Exercise (though there is not enough vertical space to label them)
June 16, 2013 - #0.164.1
- Added 3.x exercises to the SELECT exercise set
- Added some CSS to make it more obvious you can select an exerice on the left menu to skip ahead/back
June 16, 2013 - #0.162.1
- Added better responses for empty, 'show tables', 'help', and 'drop table' queries
- Corrected some speeeling errors
- Moved definition of exercises from compiled code to a file store
June 13, 2013 - Announced on LessThanDot
May 17-20, 2013 - #0.147.1 to #0.158.1
- Added the 2.x exercises to the SELECT exercise set
- robot + search engine: robots.txt, sitemaps, page descriptions, etc
- Built an initial front page for the site (finally)
April 27-28, 2013 - #0.141.1 to #0.144.1
- Reworked database deployment scripts, added the Orders sample data table
- Tweaks to the About pages and favicon
April 4-7, 2013 - #0.130.1 to #0.136.1
- Added About (Goal, Exercises, Technology) pages
- Query evaluation switched to use case insensitive comparison for column names
- Migrate initial sample database table to a new name (Customers)
March 2013 - #0.119.1
- CSS tweaks, improvements to Exercise navigation in side pane, updates to icons due to bad rendering in chrome
February 2013 - #0.119.1
- Technical improvements, build and deployment improvements
February 2013 - #0.108.1 to #0.115.0
- Technical improvements, build and deployment improvements
February 2013 - #0.88.1 to #0.115.0
- Initial exercise set created, 1.0 to 1.2 of the SELECT exercises
- General layout of the Exercises page
- Improvements to the exercise advancement navigation
- Technical improvements, build and deployment improvements
And so on
- Initial prototype of the Query Execution area of the Exercises page
- Logic for query hitory tracking and session tracking
- Initial logic for detecting and logging all errors
- Initial logic for logging results of each exercise for aggregate reporting on execution times and success rate
- Initial hardcoded Exercise from the SELECT exercises set
- Initial database deployment logic fo the sample database
- Initial deployment scripts and process for automated build and deployment